Got the end of Summer blues? Feeling a bit off? Have no fear, for September is here! This month offers the perfect opportunity to blow out the last of Summer's intensity and step boldly through the gateway into Fall's more steady rhythms. Although September tends to be a busy month in our industrialized society, from a more natural perspective it is a time to slow down, get reflective and take stock of our lives.
September gifts us with the Autumn Equinox - the time when day and night return to equal length, tempering and balancing the Sun's power. From that moment on, the Sun begins to soften as our days grow shorter and we move through the season of Fall toward Winter.
This is the month to honor the changing seasons, to celebrate the harvest, and to restore balance and harmony in our lives. On an energetic level, we shift out of Summer's high gear and into the lower gear of Fall. We stop fussing over our crops and finish harvesting them instead. We take stock of all we have gained and give gratitude for it.
September is a perfect time to bring balance to the forefront of your awareness, to wrap up the loose ends of Summer's activities, and to begin harvesting the gifts of your personal journey. The more you invest in moving through the changes happening inside and outside of you this season, the more you set yourself up for a cozy Winter!
Add harmony and balance to your life with these September tips:
- Sift through the bounty of your Summer efforts and harvest the internal and external fruits of your labor; take stock of any "loose ends;" do what you can to complete what feels unfinished.
- Honor and celebrate your personal gains during the past few months; make time to enjoy the abundance of your unique harvest.
- Take stock and identify the parts of you that feel out of balance; what is ready for change? List ways to begin the changes and move toward restoring a healthful balance to your life.
- Acknowledge and honor both the light and the dark aspects of yourself and of life; recognize that a healthy life finds balance in all things.