Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Nine Fire Monkey Games


The number seems simple enough. 

Numerologists are fascinated by Nine because "when you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit, it always becomes a 9." (Hans Decoz)

And here is another strange thing about Nine: "when you add (rather than multiply) it to any other number, then reduce that number to a single digit, it always comes back to itself, as if nothing was added at all." (Hans Decoz)

Some say it is a holy number - a trilogy of the almighty sacred trilogy. Others say it is a number of balance, harmony, stability and strength, even the magic of creation. Still others claim it is a finishing number representing endings and completions. In ordinary numerology, everything happens in cycles and Nine marks the ending of a cycle.

And get this: energetically, Nine suggests compassion at a worldly scale, i.e., global consciousness, calling forth traits like humanitarianism, non-judgement, tolerance, patience and unconditional love...all "sound good" kinds of things.

Did you know the year 2016 is a number nine? As in: 2+0+1+6=9. 

You might be thinking, "What's the big deal? That doesn't sound so bad."  

And you might be right...except enter the Chinese Calendar (which kicked off on February 8th). According to it, 2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey. This particular element-animal combination only occurs every 60 years.

Monkeys are cute, inquisitive, creative little critters. They have soulful eyes and human-like hands. How bad can they be?

But we are not just talking about a Monkey; we are talking about a Fire Monkey. Let's see...what energy comes through a Fire Monkey? 

In a word, chaos. Monkey energy is disruptive. True, they are cute; but they are cute little rascals that like to mess with things. Rascals can be fun or they can be a pain in your ass. A Fire Monkey might just turn your whole world upside down.

Consider this: when you take BIG energy of the sort stirred up by Nine and put it in the hands of a crazy (cute) little Monkey and then light a Fire under its feet...well, you get the picture.

You may have already noticed big waves of movement in the lives of people around you, or in your own life. Things are happening quickly - BIG things - and people are scrambling to find balance. It seems everywhere I turn, relationships are shifting or ending, addictions and other patterns are changing, people are moving closer or farther away (physically and emotionally), quitting or getting jobs, having life-shaking experiences...and it's only February.

I imagine we can anticipate this kind of radical shifting on a larger scale as well, as in things like the global economy, world relations, the environment, perhaps even social mores and paradigms. As fate would have it, this is an election year. Argueably the most important of all elections in our country takes place this year, that of our President. I wonder what funny little Nine Fire Monkey games we will see play out in that arena. Oh yeah, I forgot...Trump is running for President.

All the more reason to remember that Nine has a dark side just as everything else does. Nine can fall into the unforgiving, malicious and vindictive side of things as easily as not. Take a Fire Monkey and clothe it in the dark side of Nine and poof! You've got hell...

So here is a thought: when making your Presidential vote, consider who may bring more of Nine's higher qualities of consciousness, compassion, tolerance and patience to the table rather than slipping into its lower egotistical qualities that are arrogant, cruel and perhaps even immoral. Your conscious vote may just turn out to be the single most important decision you make this year for your long-term quality of life.

Nine offers an opportunity to re-balance what is out of balance...both personally and on a larger scale. In the long run, this is a positive thing, yet in the short term, it can be quite challenging, disruptive, daunting and chaotic, perhaps even hellish. Change brings challenge and creates (temporary) chaos, even when for the better. But it does not have to lead you (or the world) into a  long-term hell if you pay attention and make aware, conscious choices.

So prepare yourself for some mighty winds to blow this year. Nine Fire Monkey years are not for the faint of heart. Focus your energy on things that stabilize, harmonize and balance you like time in nature, yoga, meditation, dance, art, music...

Choose your words and actions with high awareness and clarity. Unplug more often to give your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies a break from technological chaos and distortion. Eat healthier (choose organic, non-GMO, low processed, sustainable, humanely-managed foods). Sleep longer. Participate in activities and workshops that inspire you. Put love above your ego drives to be right, safe or significant. Hold compassion in your heart.

Yep. 2016 is a live one, alright. Hold on to your hats...