Thursday, July 28, 2016

A word on cops

I am not a cop. I am a writer and a teacher and a counselor.

But cops get a bad rap. People call them "pigs" and "buzzkills." People don't want them around. I didn't either, until I met some that weren't packing a speeding ticket book.

Now, I'm not saying that every cop I've ever met is a sweetheart, fine and true. Some are real babies. You name it; every profession comes with babies

The difference may be that baby cops carry guns just like honorable cops do; and babies in other professions don't. Well, not as a matter of uniform, anyway. A baby cop with a gun can be lethal...just like any baby person with a gun can be.  

I mean "baby" as in the spiritually immature kind, not the cute, gurgling newborn kind.

Spiritually immature babies are emotionally immature. They operate out of fear, ego, insecurity, and greed. They cling and assume and take things personally. They demand instant gratification. They judge, blame and disrespect. They distort the truth. They carry no real wisdom.

These babies don't know who they are. They are disconnected from their true selves. They compete and conflict with others. They hold themselves as separate from; they are divisive in thoughts and actions. They force their own agendas.

 Make no mistake about it: These babies are spiritual infants, not evolved sages. They are frightened children, not brave warriors. They confuse dominance with power, and control with security. They are misguided and misunderstood

Cops are trained killers working on our behalf, or at least, they are supposed to be. Unfortunately, baby cops don't have what it takes to do their job honorably. Neither do baby people of any profession.

Street cops are known as Peace Officers. Jail cops are known as Corrections Officers. Peace and Corrections: two honorable paths intended to restore balance and offer a chance for amends or perhaps even healing; to keep the peace and restore dignity. 

Are some of them spiritually immature babies? Sure; there are babies in every arena. Their actions are not splattered all over the news, but they are there: the therapist who manipulated his clients; the teacher who slept with her students; the doctor who stole medication; the nurse who sexually molested his patients; the priest who molested children; the lawyer who misrepresented his clients; the caregiver who stole from her clients; the sitter who physically abused children; the cop who mistreated citizens...they are all out there. Babies, all of them. 

That does not mean that all therapists, all teachers, all doctors, all nurses, all priests, all lawyers, all caregivers, all sitters or all cops are spiritually immature babies. But some are. 

Let's refrain from making misguided generalizations about members of any group. Let's remember we are all people first, and most people are not babies.

[NOTE: Substitute "asshole" for "baby" and "assholes" for "babies" for this to make more sense.]