Saturday, January 18, 2014

Happy New You!

Happy New You!

Ah - January. We can all take in and release a deep breath, having made it through the activity of the holidays and wrapped up 2013. As testament to the fabulous holiday busyness and subsequent desire for "down time," this eNewsletter is late! Pardon me for that; I took a retreat that was both fulfilling and renewing...

Although we are still in mid Winter, the Solstice is behind us. Our days are growing longer and warmer overall, beginning to reach tentatively toward Spring. January is the perfect month to begin shifting from planning and preparation into action.

Now is the time to get clear about your "seeds" of intent for the year (and beyond if you choose), and to determine what preparation is still needed to make their future expression as likely as possible. This month you can begin (energetically) sowing your seeds into the soils of your life. There they will incubate until it is the perfect moment for them to break forth into the Sunlight!

There are many ways to change your life and even to create a whole new one for yourself if you want to. Rather then expending your energy on resolutions (which often amount to little more than an annual "to do" list), follow these simple steps to get started on a Happy New You!

  • Step 1: Get clear about what you want. Make a list of all your "seeds" (intentions, ideas, dreams, wishes, projects, etc.) and decide which ones you are really ready to plant and grow into your life. Not all your seeds have to be planted this year; feel free to set some aside for another time. Consider too that you may plant seeds now for things you imagine in future years. Those seeds will rest in the loving soils of your Being until their time has come.
  • Step 2: Meditate on the seeds you select for this year's life crop. Meditation is a great way to connect with the feeling of having what you want to bring into your life. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, slow your breath, get still and imagine how it will feel to have the thing - how might you and your life change or be different from what they are now? Do you feel full, happy, safe, empowered, excited, relieved, etc?? Is your life richer, more active, more restful, more free? These are the kinds of feelings to invoke as you imagine having your intentions already met. Use your strongest sensory skills to make your imaginings as real and visceral as possible.
  • Step 3: Make a Vision Board. Vision Boards are a powerful way to take things in your inner Being to a physical level. They are an outward expression of your internal imaginings and energy. Your Vision Board can look however you want it to and can be made of any materials you choose. I use images and words collected from magazines, cards and catalogs glued onto a salvaged piece of cardboard. Your Board can be one dimensional or multi-dimensional; it can be one panel or several. It can contain a single image or word, or several. Be creative and open, and most of all, have FUN!
  • Step 4: Make it real. Move through your life with awareness of your intentions and what you can do now to support them. Walk around each day with the sense of your intentions growing and manifesting before your eyes. Notice what arises in your life that may be linked to them in some way. Pay close attention to any sign of support that crosses your path during the day as well as in your dreams. Perhaps someone unexpected calls who has a skill you need. Perhaps you find yourself in conversation with someone who inspires you around your intentions or even offers to help you in some way. Maybe clarity or direction comes in a dream. Support can show up in magical and unimagined ways. Consciously accept that support by saying "YES!" to it, and open yourself to receive...

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