Sunday, March 2, 2014

March is the perfect time to up-vibe your life!

Ready to shed Winter's chilling grip? March brings a more consistent promise of Spring than the past few fickle months (at least in Central Texas), even though we still have cold temperatures to wade through. After the Spring Equinox (March 20th), the days steadily outgrow the nights, temperatures begin to warm up, and Winter begins to lose its grip. This month we can lean  into a powerful and growthful quality of energy that continues through June.

March offers us a particularly high vibration because things that have rested dormant for months begin to awaken. Trees prepare to blossom, flowers start to emerge, grass begins to grow, baby animals and birds are born; the activity of life is everywhere! We can't miss the power and determination of life force energy taking form all around us, and we can tap this vibe to nourish our own visions into form.

Perhaps you spent some time this Winter in contemplation and planning. Your thoughts have already seeded your ideas into the soils of your Being. They are dormant and resting there, ready to be coaxed forth just like the wildflowers in Spring. Now it is time to feed your seeds of inspiration with attention, energy and action so they can sprout roots and grow into something vibrant in your life.

How can you nourish your fledgling inspirations and ideas? What do they need in order to take root? What do you need to feel nourished and to take root into something different? March offers you a powerful opportunity to meet these questions with answers. Try these five ways to tap this month's energy and up-vibe your life:
  • Shake off Winter. As the days grow longer and get warmer, allow yourself to start shedding your Winter clothes. It may not be time to put them all away, but you can certainly let the strengthening Sun touch your skin whenever possible, especially your face. Like a snake shedding its skin, shifting from Winter to Spring is a deliberate and slow process. Take your time yet allow the energy of Winter to begin to shed from your Being, day by day. Let the growing sunshine outside remind you of your inner Sun and its growing power, ready to birth something wonderful and new into form. Let your inner Sun warm your chilly bones and prepare the soils of your Being to nourish any gifts you choose to bring into your life at this time.
  • Look outside. March is a good month to shift your attention from inside to outside. As the weather softens, you can literally spend more time outside rather than inside. The same is true with yourself: spend more time looking outside for what actions are needed rather than inside at your ideas. It's time to focus your energy on movement and action rather than ideas. Take steps to give your plans concrete form, like a seed that sprouts roots into the soil.
  • Strengthen your roots. Birthing new gifts into form takes commitment, stamina and stability. You must stay the course when things get tricky. Build your inner commitment, stamina and stability by strengthening your roots - your sense of foundation, capacity and resources. On a practical level, get organized, get the details lined out and get the support you need behind you. On an energetic level, root into the soils of the Earth. Bare your feet on warm sunny days and through them, reconnect to the ground beneath you. Imagine roots of light and energy connecting you to the Earth through the bottoms of your feet like a plant's roots and breathe that light and energy into the core of your Being. Let it fill and nourish you; feel held, supported and stabilized by the Spirit of the whole of Earth.
  • Nourish your seeds of intent. The ideas you had during the introspective Winter months are seeded and ready to root. Give them your love and attention in service to your life, as the Sun gives the cold ground its love and attention in service to the renewing plant life resting there. Warm them with your energy and hold them in your heart as important, living creatures sprouting into form for your pleasure!
  • Be creative. There is nothing you can imagine that can't be done. It may not be done NOW, but it can always be done. Someone, somewhere will find a way; they will take what you start and finish it. Think beyond the parameters of your own life and into the larger whole of life, for whatever you plant now has potential to grow into something beautiful for us all.