Happy New Year! You have now journeyed through another 365-day cycle of your life. How does it feel?
The new year of 2016 has potential for positive evolution. It is a number 9. Just google "numerology number 9" and read what comes up...powerful stuff. Whether you believe in that or not, the energy and opportunity are here for you to embrace your personal evolution.
Plus, January is a great time to reflect upon the trajectory of your life. Introspection is a key energetic of Winter. Here are some guiding questions to ponder:
- Overall, is my life moving forward, backward or stagnant? Celebrate the places moving forward, and also notice the places that feel backward or stagnant.
- What obstacles are in my way? Identify them.
- Which obstacle(s) do I feel ready to address? Prioritize them based on your readiness and pick one to focus on.
- What will it take for me to address them? Come up with steps that create a doable plan; then begin, one step at a time.
I am not talking about a "New Year's Resolution" but a New Year's Evolution.
Imagine it: you have 365 days to do anything you want with your life, something different. Take this opportunity to do it. Follow through and you will be amazed when a year from now you reflect back and see the life changes you created.
All you have to do is start.
You must get a clear vision of where you are, where you want to go, what is in your way, and how to change it. Then the fun begins.
When you change, your life changes.
But change doesn't have to happen all at once. Take baby steps. Doable steps. Steady as a Bull steps. Steps that inspire you to keep going. Steps that will sustain you through the long haul to completion.
This time last year when I reflected back, I was disappointed in myself for something. In May, I set goals and began taking action (yep, it took me until May to begin). Now, I am more than half way to my goal and have completely embraced it. I wonder what I will see when I look back next year?
What are you ready to change in your life? What goal(s) are you ready to embrace? What will you be excited to witness in yourself and your life when you look back in 2017?
Go ahead...dream it, see it, feel it, do it. And most of all, have fun! I dare ya.
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