Many folks are telling me they feel tired. Are you among them? It's no wonder, what with all the intensity around the recent Presidential Election on our North American soils.
Whether your choice of candidate won or lost, the election process had an impact on you...months and months and months of an impact, and it's still going. This was the most highly charged election in many decades, so everyone continues to carry strong preferences, opinions and emotions about what they want and do not want.
Now that the election itself is over, people are expressing their glee or dissatisfaction openly. Some are afraid, some are elated, and some are emboldened by a President Elect who supports a "power over" model of leadership. Others are choosing to shine more of their soul light for peace, compassion and union than ever before.
Whatever your response, the reality is that the future is an unknown. It is always an unknown, no matter who our President happens to be, because there are infinite possibilities of what the future can be.
Do not get trapped into the misleading projections of your mind. The mind is ego-based, ever desiring, never satisfied, generally fearful, protective and defensive. It tries to project the past into the present and future, but this habit is useless, inaccurate and untrustworthy, leading to unnecessary suffering. There is no good purpose to indulging in such energies; such an indulgence only serves to magnify and intensify them.
stay anchored in the present moment where all is well. When feeling
challenged, I like to use a tool provided by spiritual teacher Marianne
Williamson in which she encourages us to allow for the possibility of a
miracle to enter the situation. How simple and beautiful is that...?
Opening to the possibility of a miracle brings spaciousness for the
heart of the Divine to enter and a sacred love-light to emerge within
us, shattering the darkness we held.
Whether you were disappointed or excited the day after the election, the world still turned, the Sun still shone, and people still lived their lives like every other day before it. The only drama experienced was what people allowed through their emotional reactions. And the only way reactions can lead us to anything good is if we examine them to find the wound or fear within our Selves that they are tied to. Our reactions are rooted in something within our Selves that is seeking to be healed or resolved. Our reactions are not the fault of anyone or anything outside of us, though the ego likes to drop into such blame...
From a spiritual perspective, there is no need for drama. If all things are in alignment with the Divine, than this, too, is in alignment with the Divine. Something much bigger is happening than our minds can comprehend. But it is our mind's mission to fill in gaps in its comprehension with "fluff and stuff" that does not or need not apply.
The mind likes to believe it "knows" so there will be no surprises and it can protect us. Yet the mind can never "know" since it operates in the past and future. Pulling memories of past experiences into the present moment is the mind's attempt to "know" something it doesn't. It can't know it, because it has not yet happened in this moment. The mind only "knows" how it went in a past moment.
But the present moment does not have to look like similar ones did in the past. Each present moment is a fresh breath, an opening, an unfolding into the infinite realm of possibilities...unless you allow your mind to lock it into a singular form through its memories. When you allow your mind to lock your thoughts and feelings into a singular past form, you shut yourself off from the glory of the infinite realm of possibility in the present moment.
The mind plays the same game with the future, projecting the past into an unknown realm. But the flow of life force energy through this Universe is dynamic, not static. Everything is always in motion, rendering the future impossible to predict. We can guess and imagine and theorize and hypothesize based on past experiences, but we cannot "know" what the future holds, for like the present moment, it resides in the realm of infinite possibilities, if we honor it as such. This is worth repeating: when you allow your mind to lock your thoughts and feelings into a singular form by projecting the past into the future, you cut yourself off from the glory of the infinite realm of possibility at the hand of the Divine.
Therefore, it is not the mind that bears the truth; it is the heart.
So if you are feeling tired, it may be from struggling to make sense of what feels out of alignment with your ego which has abducted your mind. The ego's perspective is exceptionally limited; it leans toward protection and fear. It believes that it knows what is best for you.
Stop leaking your energy to your ego stories and fears; this only magnifies them and feeds your energy to the ranting reactions of your mind's projections. Make this action instead: shift your awareness from your ego to your heart, allowing new possibilities to arise from the infinite.
Take your mind back; energize your infinite heart wisdom rather than your finite ego reactions.
Redirect your attention to the center of your heart. Let the past go and drop useless future projections to come present in the now. Change is here; that and death are the only certainties in life because we live in a dynamic, ever-evolving Universe. We cannot stop change but we can accept that it happens and continue to make conscious, aware, heart-centered choices about what we stand for. We cannot force others to change, but we can hold to the truth of our eternal light in the face of perceived darkness.
Here are some ways to nourish and center your Self during life's changes:
- Meditate in silence or with your favorite, peace-filling mantra. Sunrise and Sunset are the most powerful times to do so.
- Spend time in nature, replenishing, releasing, listening and learning.
- Bathe yourself with the purifying smoke of white sage to clear heavy energy from your personal energy field.
- Rekindle your curiosity about the infinite possibilities of the future by opening your heart to them.
- Find a daily practice that centers and nourishes your Being, such as hiking, dancing, making art, gardening, yoga or meditation.
- Drop habits that hinder you and devote yourself to habits that elevate you. Nothing will change unless you change your habits in thoughts, feelings, and actions to align them with a higher vibration.
- Commit to putting love above fear.
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